23 nov 2018


Lyrium. Heavenly Bento Pose Set 1 pose stand / hud pose @MARKETPLACE

Vanity Hair::Own It -Greedy   Vanity Hair::Bag Into Bag-Greedy @MARKETPLACE

*Birth* 'Nova' Fantasy Appliers * fantasy appliers for women. Gradient toned limbs of purple over yummy pale main skin tone. Floral decorative makeup on the face of Nova, a new Lelutka applier that will get a normal skin release later. HEAD APPLIERS - Lelutka BODY APPLIERS - Maitrey Shape is included for Lelutka's 'Simone' head.   @ Whimsical (Starts 18th

*CK* Enjoy me bra & panties set  @ ULTRA event opening 15th november

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