17 ott 2018


L y r i u m_ Pose Collection Packed Update 1.1 (O n  T h e  F l o o r 5)   @MARKETPLACE

no.match_ ~ NO_SUFFER UNISEX ~ ESSENTIALS   @MOM EVENT open : 20th   @STORE

Avada~ Noah Necklace + Hud texture  @STORE

DD Clarksburg Vintage Set Complete Adult -Complete set in Adult & PG Chair set In Adult & PG Console Table Set * Blueprint Event will open its doors on the 18th of each month at 12 Noon SLT and close its doors on 12 Noon SLT on the 12th of the following month, each month.    @Original & Exclusive Blueprint Event 

LeCastle - Amia Laced Up Mini Dress + hud texture   @STORE

N-core CHANTEL Boots   @STORE

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